Clean-Pro Carpet Cleaning Bearsted

Carpet Cleaning in Bearsted

  • Carpets, Curtains & Upholstery
  • Friendly, Reliable carpet cleaners
  • Experienced, Fully Insured
  • We use Natural, Eco-friendly & odourless products
  • Only 30 minutes drying time

We are the premiere Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning Solutions in Bearsted. We provide a superior quality clean, in addition to fantastic customer care. With regards to cleaning carpeting, no-one does more than us. Our customers agree with the fact we are one of the most trustworthy cleaning businesses in Kent.

Clean-Pro uses only top of the line carpet cleaning appliances. Our Bearsted carpet cleaners are highly focused, professional and thoroughly educated in the use of all types of spot elimination procedures, stain removal, hot steam cleaners, Curtain, Carpet and Upholstery cleaning solutions and systems. We ensure that every effort is made when delivering the best cleaning service to your demands.

Our chemical-free cleaning ensures an outstanding clean you will really perceive. Our practical know-how ensures all dust is loose from the tiny fibres and cleaned up and removed to present you a great clean. As ordinary, Clean-Pro Upholstery and Carpet Cleaners Bearsted always vacuum the region ahead of cleaning to make certain all dried dirt and grime is removed. We only use non-bleach founded solutions with guaranteed no shrinkage. Plus, due to the Dry Fusion and Ozone systems, Clean-Pro guarantee your carpets are properly fresh, clean and dried within half an hour!

Our solutions are CHEMICAL FREE! and thoroughly nontoxic for children, household pets and allergy sufferers.

Any odours are eliminated and stains such as sauces, ink, glucose, blood, wax, tar, lipstick, ketchup, shoe polish and food and drink spills are eliminated with regular success!

Carpet Cleaning in Bearsted

Carpet Restoration Bearsted
Carpet Restoration in Bearsted

We are consistently updating our equipment to ensure we are presenting clients with the best clean possible. Our equipment are manufactured to remove any type of stain, dirt or grit from the deepest layer of your carpet. This is not merely more aesthetically satisfying for the inhabitants of the home, but is also much healthier.

A lot of people assume that carpets or upholstery have to be replaced after a certain amount of time, this is normally not true! Our highly effective cleaning treatments can provide new life with our Upholstery, Carpet and Curtain cleaning in Bearsted.

Dry Fusion:

Dry Fusion is the only carpet cleaning process that hot cleans, deodorises, stain protects and then heat dries every type of carpet or rug. It’s all in the same process, and, due to the fact that it is patented, no one else can use this fantastic system of cleaning. By combining all the best capabilities of hot water extraction (hot solution, "Shot of Steam"), the very best characteristics of dry cleaning (low moisture, mechanical agitation) and combining them in addition to the patented hot cleaning pad system that continually heats the fibres while they are being cleaned - you have one of the most outstanding results ever found.

Ozone Cleaning:

Once ozone molecules come in contact with any organic material including dirt, micro-organisms, indoor, allergens, smells from cleaning residue, it causes the residue to decay and release the bond from the surface area being cleaned. Basically it kills about 99% of bacteria in carpets and rugs.

The brand new "Ozone Carpet Cleaner":

  • Kills 99% of all Bacteria in carpets and rugs.
  • Stays cleaner for for a longer time
  • 100% guarantee ALL stains will be taken away with Stain Guard
  • Restoration Cleaning
  • No chemical compounds - No detergents

On the whole, the Ozone Technique has continually displayed superior microbiological efficiency compared to your regular carpet extractor. Your carpets and curtains will remain cleaner for for a longer time, without use of chemical substances or detergents. You are guaranteed satisfaction by gaining a wonderfully clean carpet!

We care for Domestic (private) and Commercial clients. We undertake commercial carpet cleaning for doctor's offices, offices, nursing homes, the food industry, hotel accommodations, concert halls, sports and social clubs in Kent.

We can easily handle virtually any sort of carpet problem:

  • Petroleum and blood
  • Pet hairs and waste
  • Mud stains
  • Paint and ink stains
  • Dropped beverages (wine, alcoholic beverages, coffee, etc.) and food items (such as gravies and dressings)
  • Burn scars
  • Corrosion and mildew
  • Built up dirt and grime

We furthermore offer upholstery cleaning solutions in Bearsted and also on-site curtain cleaning services in Bearsted.